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Sorghum Papdi chat

  • 4 PeopleServes
  • 25 minsPrep Time
  • 15 minsCooking
  • Cuisine : Indian
  • Category : Sorghum


Step by Step method

  • Preparation :

  • 1.In a mixing bowl, combine sorghum flour , black cumin , whole wheat flour and 20 ml

  • warm oil .

  • 2. Add a pinch of salt and knead it into a stiff dough using water.

  • 3. Divide the in to 10-12 small size ball and rollout all the balls in small poori size papdi..

  • 4. Heat oil in a deep pan and deep fry the papdis until they turn crispy and golden

  • brown. Drain excess oil and set them aside.

  • 5. In a small bowl, mix curd with a pinch of salt and keep it ready.

  • 6. In another mixing bowl take boiled potato, yellow pea, Green chutney, cumin powder,

  • chatmasala, salt, chilli powder, black salt and lemon juice. Mix this mixture properly .

  • 7. Take a serving plate and arrange the sorghum papdis on it.

  • 8. Top each papdi with a spoonful of potato pea mixture

  • 9. Garnish with finely chopped onions and tomatoes

  • 10. Add a drop of curd and green chutney on each papdi.

  • 11. Sprinkle sorghum sev on top for an extra crunch.

  • 12. Serve the sorghum papdi chat immediately as a delicious and healthy snack option.

  • Enjoy the burst of flavors and textures in every bite!