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Sorghum LADOO

  • 6 PeopleServes
  • 15 minPrep Time
  • 25 minCooking
  • Cuisine : Indian
  • Category : Sorghum


Step by Step method

  • Preparation:

  • 1.Heat a medium-sized pan on low flame for 2 minutes.

  • 2.Add sorghum powder to the pan and dry roast on medium flame for 6 to 8 minutes.

  • 3.When sorghum powder turns a golden-brown colour, remove from the pan and set aside to cool.

  • 4.Take 100 ml of water in a pan, add jaggery and heat on a medium flame till the jaggery melts in the water. Keep heating till the syrup turns sticky.

  • 5.Strain the syrup to remove any impurities and set aside.

  • 6.Heat ghee in fresh pan. Add roasted sorghum powder,green cardamom powder, chopped dates and half the coconut powder and mix well.

  • 7.Add jaggery syrup to the pan and mix well.

  • 8.Grease your palms with ghee and shape the mix into small round balls.

  • 9.Put the remaining coconut powder on a plate and roll the balls on it to coat them with the coconut.

  • Enjoy the coconutty sorghum ladoo.