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Pearl Millet JALEBI

  • 8 PeopleServes
  • 10 minPrep Time
  • 20 minCooking
  • Cuisine : Indian
  • Category : Pearl Millet


Step by Step method

  • Preparation:

  • 1.Mix maida, bajra flour and baking soda in a bowl.

  • 2.Add curd and water to it. Mix well to make a smooth and thick batter.

  • 3.For the sugar syrup, add equal parts sugar and water to a pan.

  • 4.Boil on a medium flame until it attains one string consistency.

  • 5.Add crushed green cardamom to the syrup and stir well.

  • 6.Heat oil in a pan on a medium flame for deep frying.

  • 7.Fill the batter in a squeeze bottle.

  • 8.Gently squeeze the batter into the hot oil in a circular motion, moving outwards from the centre for each jalebi.

  • 9.Fry till the jalebis are crisp.

  • 10.Steep the jalebis in warm sugar syrup for 2-3 minutes.

  • Bajra jalebi is ready to be served to make your special day a little more special.