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Bajra Bundi Ladoo

  • 10 PeopleServes
  • 30 minsPrep Time
  • 25 minsCooking
  • Cuisine : Indian
  • Category : Pearl Millet


Step by Step method

  • Preparation :

  • 1.Mix sugar and water( ¾ cup) in a pan. Keep the sugar solution on a

  • medium heat.

  • 2.Cook the sugar syrup, till you get a one thread consistency. Stir often ,

  • add green cardamom . Switch off the heat. Set the sugar solution aside.

  • 3.The sugar syrup should be hot when you add the boondi.

  • 4.In a mixing bowl take Bajra flour , ghee ( 15ml) and gram flour .

  • 5.Add water to make a smooth batter.

  • 6.Take a dry perforated ladle and place it above the hot oil.

  • 7.With a spoon add some batter on the perforated spoon ladle.

  • 8.Spread the batter lightly with a spoon. Finish up the batter on the

  • perforated spoon ladle this way.

  • 9.Fry the boondi till they are cooked. Don't make them crisp or over do the

  • frying. When the oil stops sizzling, remove the boondi.

  • 10.After each batch, wipe the perforated ladle with a clean piece of kitchen

  • towel from both sides.

  • 11.Strain the fried boondi well with a slotted spoon and then add them

  • directly to the sugar syrup.

  • 12.Finally add Raisen and Cashew.

  • 13.Mix well and shape the boondi mixture into a small to medium-sized

  • round ball.

  • 14.Bajra Boondi ladoo is ready to serve